Connecting Ideas. Creating business.
Fiber Optic Valley are experts in bringing people together. Everyday we meet entrepreneurs in different stages of their development. We meet the researcher who wants to commercialize the results of his or her research. We meet the small company that is about to expand as well as the established company looking for strategic partners to develop their business, or the innovator who seeks new partners abroad.
We initiate new collaborations between businesses, universities and the public sector in the areas of Sensor and Communication Technology.
We unite people with other people, needs with solutions, problems with ideas, and money with innovations.
We offer our partners membership in an international network of industry players and interest groups. In Sweden we operate mainly in Hudiksvall/Gävle/Sundsvall and we have our headquarters in Hudiksvall.
From January 2017 we are part of RISE(Research Institute of Sweden). Our financiers are Vinnova, Hudiksvalls Kommun, Tillväxtverket and Region Gävleborg.